Informational Picket – Evening with the Mayors – Tuesday, March 8, 5:15 to 6:30 pm

construction of charterCome to this picket to join with a group of concerned citizens as we share information about the political activities of Great Oakland Public Schools (“GO”) and the impact groups like GO have on Oakland’s political process. Teachers, parents and community members are deeply concerned about the connections between GO and OUSD administration and the Board of Education.

GO Public Schools Oakland Advocates, a spinoff of GO, is hosting this fundraiser to raise money for their Political Action Committee “Families and Educators for Public Education” (“GO PAC”) to influence the upcoming school board elections. In the last two election cycles (2012 and 2014), GO PAC has become a major political and financial player that holds too much influence in what happens in Oakland schools. In addition, we are concerned because GO receives funding from other organizations that are flooding our political process with their money-as-speech such as New Schools Venture Fund, the Walton Family Foundation and the Rogers Family Foundation.